
IObit'sProtectedFolderisauser-friendlysoftwarethathelpsyouprotectyourimportantfilesanddatafromunwantedaccess.Whetherit'spersonaldocuments, ...,BuyiObitProtectedFoldernow!ProtectedFolderEffectiveFilesProtectionToolGuaranteestheSecurityofImportantFolders,DataandPrivacy!,ProtectedFolderisdesignedtopassword-protectyourfoldersandfilesfrombeingseen,readormodified.Itworkslikeasafetybox,justdraganddro...

IObit Protected Folder

IObit's Protected Folder is a user-friendly software that helps you protect your important files and data from unwanted access. Whether it's personal documents, ...

iObit Protected Folder - 1 PC - 20 Years

Buy iObit Protected Folder now! Protected Folder Effective Files Protection Tool Guarantees the Security of Important Folders, Data and Privacy!

Download IOBit Protected Folder

Protected Folder is designed to password-protect your folders and files from being seen, read or modified. It works like a safety box, just drag and drop ...

【正版軟體購買】IObit Protected Folder 官方最新版

只需設置密碼鎖定重要文件和數據,您將獲得對這些文件夾更有效的保護。 軟體特色(詳細功能依官方網站為準):. 1. More Powerful Files Protection Tool. 2. Enhanced ...

Iobit Protected Folder [Download]

Protected Folder is a folder / file locker which protects user's privacy and important data from theft, loss or leaks. To lock folder and file, ...

[正版購買] Protected Folder 1.3 中文版

2017年5月12日 — 電腦資料夾及檔案隱藏軟體- Protected Folder,如果有重要的檔案或資料夾,可以使用此軟體來上鎖(隱藏),操作的方式很簡單,第一次使用時設定一組密碼,把 ...

Protected Folder Quick Start Guide

Protected Folder is designed to password-protect your folders and files from being seen, read or modified in Windows 7, Vista, XP and Server 2008, 2003. It ...

Protected Folder

The best files protection tool to keep important files in security, IObit Protected Folder for windows 10 protects files and data effectively.

Protected Folder Released for Easy FolderFile Password ...

2011年4月4日 — Protected Folder is designed to password-protect your folders and files from being seen, read or modified in Windows systems. It is an ideal ...